1Up Exchange

1up Exchange

Efficient, automated healthcare data exchange – powered by FHIR® APIs

    • Payers
    • Providers
    • Digital Health
1up Exchange

Exporting and exchanging health data is required for value-based care, but can be incredibly hard to do.

With the shift towards value-based care, payers, providers, and digital health companies need to oversee and report on the allocation of care, including prior authorization, quality measurement, network design, and referral patterns. This requires the export and exchange of data, which are often manual and inefficient processes.

To effectively export and exchange data with your partners, you need a centralized data distributor powered by FHIR APIs. 1up Exchange makes it easy to move data for one patient or cohorts of thousands of patients – internally between teams and systems, and back and forth with external partners.

Data Ingestion

FHIR Server

Data Sharing & Exchange


The average health insurer needs to exchange data with 25 different vendors and partners.1

1“The State of Interoperability in Healthcare 2022”, HIMSS, 2022.


The average healthcare provider needs to exchange data with 23 different vendors and partners.2

2“The State of Interoperability in Healthcare 2022”, HIMSS, 2022.

Unlocking the power of data exchange

1up Exchange enables payers and providers to export and exchange data for single patient-, group-, or population-level evaluation and offers seamless integration with other systems using FHIR APIs. 

How 1up Exchange works


Converts data to FHIR before sharing

Shares via API

Shares via FHIR R4 standards-based APIs

OAuth based Data Sharing

Leverages public FHIR API endpoints and OAuth 2.0-based data sharing

1up Exchange Features

The upside of 1up Exchange


Use standards-based FHIR R4 APIs to seamlessly enable the sharing of data between systems.


Put an end to manual data sharing with FHIR APIs.


Secure and compliant with HIPAA and OAuth 2.0 authentication standards.

The upside of 1up Exchange


Use standards-based FHIR R4 APIs to seamlessly enable the sharing of data between systems.


Put an end to manual data sharing with FHIR APIs.


Secure and compliant with HIPAA and OAuth 2.0 authentication standards.

Drive results with 1up Exchange

Enables payers to easily and cost-effectively share member data with authorized healthcare providers, eliminating manual data sharing, improving quality measure performance, and realizing cost savings.


Learn more by visiting the Patient Access API page.

Enables providers to publicly share their directory information using the 1up Provider Directory API.

Enables payers to easily and securely exchange member data in a standardized format, improving risk adjustment and supporting better member care.


Learn more by visiting the Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange API page.

Enables payers to publicly share their Formularies or Preferred Drug Lists through the 1up Formulary API.

Enables payers to easily and cost-effectively share member data with authorized healthcare providers, eliminating manual data sharing, improving quality measure performance, and realizing cost savings.

Enables payers to automate prior authorization by connecting in-network providers with their rules engine and existing utilization management systems, leading to operational efficiencies, reduced provider burden, and improved patient care.

Export your data from the FHIR server by requesting the bulk-data endpoint with the FHIR export operator.

Ready to Learn More About Healthcare’s Modern Data Platform?