HITRUST i1 Certification for the 1up FHIR Platform Validates Commitment to Cybersecurity

In the healthcare industry, patient trust is paramount. Patients share their most sensitive personal information with healthcare providers and payers, expecting it to be kept confidential and secure. A data breach involving patient information can erode trust and damage the reputation of healthcare institutions. Cybersecurity plays a crucial role in maintaining this trust.

2024 has been a seminal year for cyber-attacks with the Change Healthcare attack in February, the Kaiser Foundation breach in March, and the Ascension Health breach in May. Now more than ever, healthcare providers and payers must rely on cybersecurity to reassure patients that their data is safe, fostering trust and confidence in their services.

Cybersecurity is a Core Component of 1upHealth’s Services

1upHealth maintains its edge as a leader in healthcare data interoperability by prioritizing cybersecurity as a core component of our services. We understand that secure data exchange is vital for advancing healthcare outcomes and maintaining stakeholder and patient trust. Accordingly, 1upHealth employs comprehensive security measures and the most robust cybersecurity frameworks to protect our customers’ patient data across our 1up FHIR Platform.

At 1upHealth, we believe cybersecurity is an essential investment for our organization and for our customers. We view cybersecurity not as a cost center, but as a significant cost preventer. Our cybersecurity program provides direct cost savings by protecting customers from threats, such as data breaches, operational downtime, and proprietary information loss, as well as the associated consequences, such as regulatory action and reputation loss.  

Our cybersecurity strategy not only follows the latest standards, such as implementing advanced encryption techniques and conducting regular security audits, but we also focus on the human element of cybersecurity. We invest in continuous staff training and awareness programs to mitigate human error, which is the most critical vulnerability in cybersecurity.

Last but not least, 1upHealth actively collaborates with other industry leaders and regulatory bodies to stay ahead of emerging threats. This includes NIST, the OWASP Foundation, HIMSS, ISC2, CISA, and The HITRUST Alliance.

1upHealth attained HITRUST i1 Certification for its 1up FHIR Platform

HITRUST – which stands for The Health Information Trust Alliance – is a privately held company that established the HITRUST Common Security Framework. HITRUST certification ensures comprehensive, scalable, and efficient protection of sensitive data, aligning with industry standards and regulatory requirements for cybersecurity and risk management in healthcare. HITRUST certifications are well-regarded as the gold standard for security and compliance within the healthcare industry. HITRUST offers three levels of certification – e1, i1, and r2. The robustness and number of controls increase with each level.  

In June 2024, 1upHealth earned 1-year (i1) certified status by HITRUST for information security for our 1up FHIR Platform, hosted through Amazon Web Services. This HITRUST i1 Certification demonstrates our platform is leveraging a set of curated controls to protect against current and emerging threats. HITRUST i1 Certification validates 1upHealth is operating leading security practices to protect sensitive information.

In a recent interview, 1upHealth Chief Revenue Officer Nolan Kelly said, “Practicing strong cybersecurity is inherent in our product strategy and critical to minimize information security risk and protect our organization and partners. The certification demonstrates our commitment to high standards for cybersecurity and data protection.”

With this HITRUST certification in place, 1upHealth remains committed to protecting patient data while driving interoperability across the industry. Our goal is to achieve HITRUST r2 Certification for the 1up FHIR Platform by 2025.

Trust and Security: Interoperability’s Cornerstone

1upHealth’s priority is to ensure the security of our products, platform, and customers’ data. As illustrated by our recent HITRUST i1 Certification, we take a proactive approach to data protection and risk mitigation and adhere to the highest security standards. By prioritizing cybersecurity, 1upHealth safeguards our customers’ patient data and supports the broader healthcare ecosystem. This commitment to cybersecurity underscores 1upHealth’s dedication to enhancing patient care and fostering innovation in healthcare. 

As the Director of Security Governance, Risk, and Compliance for 1upHealth, I am proud to be part of a company that places cybersecurity at the forefront of its mission. Our unwavering commitment to protecting patient data and maintaining robust security measures ensures that we safeguard our customers against emerging threats. By prioritizing cybersecurity, we demonstrate our proactive stance in adapting to the evolving digital landscapes, and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive health information. At 1upHealth, we are dedicated to safeguarding the future of healthcare through robust and resilient security practices.

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