We’re now part of the MassDigital Health Sandbox Program!

We’re excited to join the MassDigitalHealth Sandbox program and help provide tools to digital health companies that are interested in accessing electronic medical record data.

Specifically, we’re providing digital health apps with live access to medical records for over 280 million patients in Massachusetts and across the US via our network of over 10,000 hospitals and health centers. Any developer can get up and running with our Digital Sandbox for free, allowing over 280 million patients to authorize access to share their full medical records in seconds to digital health apps. In addition, our Digital Sandbox includes free population-level access to over 1.2 million patient records generated synthetically to accelerate development for healthcare systems, health insurance, and digital health applications. For more information on our MassDigital Health Sandbox, visit here.

About MassDigital Health:

Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech, MeHI, provides aid to healthcare providers and organizations in Massachusetts to learn and adopt the practical application of Health IT and other electronic Health technologies. They have recently been expanding their digital health sandbox to eight Sandboxes and one Sandbox Tool, which provides an increasing variety of testing and validation environments. As the Sandboxes actively consult with and guide company development, the Sandbox Tool provides a specific service.

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